Hi there, I got something easy for you. Really, if you have ever wanted to make something which is good for you, your famliy&friends and your spare time, this is probably one of the best ideas. It represents the typical cocktail flavour of a fresh-made Pina Colada, only as a jam, which means you can eat as much as you want without having a hangover the next day. :D
When I first tried out this recipe (found again on Chefkoch), I had never made jam or marmalade by myself before. Everything came out as it should without a problem.
Here we go:
1 Portion (about 2 cups):
1 ripe pineapple
1 pck. jam sugar 3:1 (= 500g = 18 oz)
400 ml (1 2/3 cup) coconut milk
1 tsp rum flavour
juice of 1 lemon
Remove the pale of the pineapple and cut it into pieces (you may use the hard part in the middle as well). Purée the pieces with a blender shaft until you get a smooth mass.
Transfer the mashed pineapple into a pan. Stir in the other ingredients and bring the mixture to a boil. Don’t forget to stir. Let the mass boil as long as written on the package of the jam sugar, which should be about 4 minutes.
Transfer the hot liquid into jam jars, close the lid and turn upside down. Let cool at room temperature.
Ready for eating when cooled down (after at least 4 hours).
Enjoy for with toast, bread, bagel, croissant, yoghurt, granola… whatever you like.
P.S.: I eat this jam right out of the jar with a spoon :D Yum!