Eating without chewing

Do you have a clue why I’m posting this picture?

baby puree

Wait. First guess, then go on reading.

baby puree

It could be easier to explain. But it is complicated. My ears HURT. It began 2 weeks ago. And hasn’t stopped since. It has even become worse. I have seen four different doctors by now, and after hours and hours of waiting in ante rooms the doctors found a way to cure me. Finally. But it can possibly take WEEKS until I am completely healthy again. So I thought you’d better know this, before you get confused by the following posts.
The pain in my ears makes it hard to eat. Quite a bit. Can’t open my mouth properly. Can’t chew properly. Can’t concentrate on anything when it is worst. But I found a solution: Eating without chewing. This is why I posted those two pics – they are my food for the next few days, as well puddings, cremes, soups etc. are. See what I’m getting at? In the following posts, I will show you what I’m eating except baby purees and that a stupid ear infection cannot keep me from enjoying my food – especially my beloved sweets. First recipe tomorrow!
