Fruit Pudding Cake

Alright. Today’s cake is a real beauty. Really, if you are just brave enough to try. It is a cake with yeast, so some of you might get a shock when they only hear the word. But don’t worry, you will succeed if you follow the instructions.

Fruit Pudding Cake

Are you craving a fruity, fresh, not to sweet, delicious, soft cake? Try out this one.

Fruit Pudding Cake

For the filling, you can use any fruit of the season. I worked with strawberries and cherries, but I’m sure that it tastes good with blueberries, peaches etc.

Make sure you have enough time to make this, no stress. If you have 2 or 3 hours time and something to do while you are waiting for the yeast to work…

Fruit Pudding Cake

Here is the list of ingredients:

Fruit Pudding Cake


250 ml (1 cup) milk
75 g (1/3 cup) butter
500 g (4 1/8 cups) flour
1 pkt active dry yeast
75 g (1/3 cup) sugar
1 pinch salt
1 egg


400g (14 oz) strawberries
350 g (13 oz) cherries
75 g (1/3 cup) sugar
1 pkt baking stable pudding powder


75 g (1/3 g) butter
1 pkt baking stable pudding powder
250 ml (1 cup) milk
50 g (¼ cup) sugar
50 g (1,5 oz) planed almonds

recipe from: Dr. Oetker „Modern Cakes“

To prepare the dough, heat the milk in a medium-sized pan and stir in the butter until it is liquid. Place the flour and yeast into a bowl and combine. Add sugar, salt, eggs ant the milk with butter. Stir about 5 minutes with dough hooks, first using the lowest, then the highest speed of your mixer.
Let the dough sit at a warm place for about 45 minutes.
Knead the dough with your hands on a floured surface for 2 minutes. Cut the mass into two parts of the same size. Roll out one half to the size of 30 cm x 40 cm (12“ x 14“). Place in an oiled pan with the same size.

For the filling, mix the sugar and pudding powder in a small bowl. Wash and cut the fruit. Combine with sugar and powder. Place the mixture onto the dough layer in the pan.

Roll out the other half to the same size as the bottom layer and place it on top of the fruits. Let sit at a warm place for another 45 to 60 minutes.

Last step before baking!

Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F)
Dent about 15 molds into the top layer with the handle of a spoon. Prepare the pudding powder with the milk as written on the package. Fill the pudding into the molds with a piping bag. Spread sugar and almonds all over the cake. Bake for about 30 minutes.

Fruit Pudding Cake

Entjoy this fruity dessert.
