Eclairs mess

I already told you that I was on a class trip last week. Our youth hostel was in a beautiful town surrounded by a river – the Trave. It takes only 20 minutes by bus to get to the beach which woud have probably been more fun if the weather had been nicer :(. It did not only rain, it was cold as well and at the and of the trip half of the students had a cold. Perfect, eh?

It was fun, though. The first day we went through Luebeck and spend some money on summer sale shopping, especially at Yves Rocher’s :P. The second day we went to a theme park. This Hansa Park was great, luckily it did not rain. On wednesdey we were at the beach, it was cold and warm and then cold again and it rained. At least we had a bit of every kind of weather. The last day we went to Hamburg, one of the biggest German cities at the coast of the North Sea. We just got a glimpse of the town, but I liked what I saw. I want to go there again!


Luebeck is not quite big, but not very small, either. The town is famous for its marzipan creations. Well, I do not like marzipan that much, but I simply had to try something from there. So I bought marzipan chocolate sticks with berry prosecco flovour and I was stunned. That almond flavour of marzipan was not strong at all and the berries and the semi-sweet chocolate fit perfectly together. After you have tasted all this, a fine note of prosecco flavour completes the combination. Yum!

Hansa ParkNiederegger Marzipan

The first day I was at home, I wanted to include this sweet in a treat. Well, at least I tried.


Some weeks ago, I had planned to try out an eclairs recipe. Everything was good, my dough was as it should be, the eclairs did not stay flat… But unfortunately my oven window is very dark and the light inside has stopped working some time ago… So I opened the oven to check if the eclairs were done already 5 minutes before the time was over. They came out flat. Crap. Because the cream was already prepared, I did not want to throw all the ingredients away. So I put it on top of the eclairs (which tasted good, though). Here is the frosting recipe:

240 ml (1 cup) heavy cream
8 tsp. strawberry jam
1 tbsp. powdered sugar
60 g (2 oz) Niederegger marzipan berry prosecco flavour

Beat the heavy cream with a mixer until it is stiff. Add the strawberry jam and sugar and beat until incorpotated. Add the marzipan and mix just a little.
