13th December//Charity around Christmas

Christmas is a time to do good. Have you been good this year? No? Why not today?

There are people, who are not happy because Santa is coming along. People, who miss their families, because they must stay in hospital during the holidays. People, who cry because they fear they could lose their lives or their family members might. Girls and boys who must bear needles being stuck into their little bodies. Mom’s and dad’s who suffer from the byeeffects of their therapy…
And there are people like you who can help to prevent this from happening.

Tsvetelina Stavreva

In 2008, my mother became ill. She had leukemia. She wasn’t at home all December. We cried.
2009 was a horrible new year, full of fear and worries. But Mum got home at last.
2010 was a good year, although it was difficult. But in December Mum felt very bad. She went to hospital again. Another Christmas without her.
2011 was the worst year of my life. I cried all New Year’s Eve. Suddenly everything began to change. It got worse and worse. On Easter Monday, I heard Mum’s voice for the last time. One month later, she died.

Tsvetelina Stavreva

This is a too short summary of a long story. I do not wish that to anyone. And people should try to prevent this. Because science is still looking for ways to treat ill people with leukemia more effectively, easily and faster. Also psychological treatment for patients and their families & friends is an important aspect in cancer therapy.
So if you want that there are less people like my brother and me, who must spend their holidays without their mommy, please help. A donation to the José Carreras Leukemia Foundation is a way to do this.

Tsvetelina Stavreva

In Germany you can watch the José Carreras Gala on ARD tonight (8.15 p.m.). But no matter what country you come from, you can support this foundation.

Tsvetelina Stavreva

Rest in peace, Mum

2 thoughts

  1. Hallo Radina,

    ich habe auch in Bad Salzungen gearbeitet und kannte Deine Mutter von ein paar Besuchen auf der Intensivstation. Sie hat ein Buch geschrieben während Ihrer Erkrankung. Man hatte mir erzählt, Du wolltest es übersetzen. Ich hätte großes Interesse, es zu lesen. Ich würde gerne wissen, ob und wann das möglich wäre.


    1. Hallo Nadine,

      das Buch von meiner Mutter ist noch nicht auf Deutsch herausgegeben worden. Ich habe das manuskript an Verlage geschicht, aber der Verarbeitungsprozess zieht sich hin… Das Buch gibt es bis jetzt nur auf Bulgarisch. Wenn sich in dieser Hinsicht etwas tut, wird auf jeden Fall ein Post auf diesem Blog erscheinen :)

      Grüße, Radina


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