Cappuccino Banana Cake

I have been haunted last week. Haunted by the idea of the combination of bananas and coffee. I must admit I do not like coffee in particular, but cimbined with milk or cream or chocolate… or bananas…? Well, I gave it a try.
Thought of what would go together with this. I decided on a sponge cake, nutella, pudding and heavy cream. Here is the result.

Cappuccino Banana Cake

I let the cake in the fridge overnight which made it more compact and the single layers became one unity.

Cappuccino Banana Cake

What came out was a light, soft-creamy-not-too-sweet cake. So if you have some friends over an afternoon, make this. It fits perfectly.

Cappuccino Banana Cake

One thing I forgot: This is no adapted recipe, but my very own original.

Cappuccino Banana Cake:
(12 servings)

sponge cake:

2 eggs
100g (1/2 cup) brown sugar
100g (1 cup – 1 tbsp) flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 pinch salt


1 pck vanilla pudding powder
500 ml (2 cups) milk
3 tbsp brown sugar
2 tbsp instant cappuccino powder
1 tbsp nutella


250 ml (1 cup) heavy cream

Preheat oven to 175°C (350°F). Cream eggs, vanilla and sugar on high speed for about 1 minute. You shoulg be able to see lots of bubbles in the batter. Add dry ingredients and incorporate them. oil a roung 26 cm (10´´) pan and bake for about 10 minutes until a toothpicker comes out clean.

To make the cream, heat 300 ml (1 1/4 cup) milk in a medium-sized pan. The other amount of milk shall be used to stir in dry ingredients. Stir in the pudding powder, sugar and cappuccino powder. When the milk on the cooker starts steaming, slowly stir in the cold milk. Dissolve 1 tbsp nutella in the mixture. Don’t stop stirring. Bring the liquid to a boil and let it thicken for about 1 minute. Remove from heat and let cool. Stir from time to time.

Melt 2 tbsp of nutella in the microwave (15 seconds) and coat the sponge cake with the chocolate. (This is probably the best part, because the rest of the nutella jar is for you :D) Cut 1 1/2 bananas into slices and spread them on the cake. they should cover the nutella layer. Put a cake ring around the banana layered sponge cake. Put the pudding on top and spread evenly with a spoon/knife/etc. Let cool for at least 2 hours in the refridgerator or over night.

Cover the cake with beaten heavy cream.

Brownie Cupcakes

Brownie Cupcakes

It’s a girl! A friend of mine had a baby last week.

Brownie Cupcakes

Unfortunately, she lives 2000 km apart in Spain, so I can’t visit her. Nevertheless, I could not help but bake something. These fondant flowers are sort of my version of these I found on pinterest.

Brownie Cupcakes

For the dough, I whipped up a brownie recipe on the blog my baking addiction. My brother loves these.

Brownie Cupcakes
Brownie Cupcakes

And here it is, the brownie recipe, with European ingredients:

(makes about 12 cupcakes)

225 g (2 sticks) butter
300 g (1 1/3 cup) sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
4 eggs
85 g (3/4 cup) dark cocoa powder
120 g (1 cup) flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt

Preheat oven to 175°C (350°F). Melt the butter in a microwave. Combine with sugar. Add the eggs one at a time and stir in vanilla. Sift together all dry ingredients and stir them in. Line a muffin mold with cups and fill with dough up to 2/3. After 35 minutes you will have sweet, flat cupcakes, waiting for decoration.

Message In A Bottle Charm

Hi there, I’m back blogging. Have you had some nice holidays? Well, I did. But I was also glad when it was over. So…what are we looking forward to now? VALENTINE’S DAY. But don’t be afraid, I am not coming up with a high caloric recipe. This is just cute. A very easy DIY.

What you need:

– the tiniest bottle you can get
– a jewelry carabiner
– super glue
– a piece of paper with your messag
– small heart, I made one of polymer clay and baked it

and then…

Message In A Bottle Charm
Message In A Bottle Charm
Message In A Bottle Charm
Message In A Bottle Charm
Message In A Bottle Charm
Message In A Bottle Charm
Message In A Bottle Charm

… you got a message!